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Here's what's happening with ACTviaZoom: If you missed a session, click on the date to see a recording of the event.
1/8/24: Legislative Updates/How to take action!
1/15: Washington VOICES - the updated Ranked Choice Voting Bill: FairVote WA (Kit Muehlman, Lisa Ayrault)
1/22: LWV/Fix Democracy First Lobby Week Kickoff: How a Bill becomes Law/Resources on WA Leg. website: Legislative Information Center (Corrie McPheeters)
1/29: Even Year Elections for WA: Northwest Progressive Institute (Andrew Villenueve)
2/5: Keeping WA Green: Forest legislation: Center for Responsible Forests (Brel Frobe)
2/12: Zero Waste/Waste Diversion Legislation (Heather Trim, Ann Murphy
2/19: Democracy Legislation: Fix Democracy First (Cindy Black) AND Alliance for Gun Responsibility: (Hazel Brown)
2/26: Homelessness/Affordable Housing/Transportation/Revenue: LWV WA (Cynthia Stewart)
3/4: Climate Crisis Discussion! What are our concerns? What can we do? : LWV WA (Martin Gibbins)
/11: Legislative Wrap up: LWV WA Advocacy Team presenting
Added sessions:
3/18: We'll host LWV US Democracy Truth Project lead Chelsey Cartwright. How do we spot mal-, mis- or dis- information? What is media bias? How do we fact check? And how can we help others in our communities to understand the importance of News Literacy?
3/25: We'll get a close look at election protocols as we follow a ballot's journey thru the election tabulation process. Knowing what safety measures are in place can help us assure others of the validity and safety of our WA state elections.
Presentation by Snohomish County Auditor Garth Fell. His email address is