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League of Women Voters of Skagit County
March Meeting Details
When: Monday, March 3, 6:30- 7:30 or 8 pm
Where: Burlington Haggen, Community Room or on Zoom
Topic: Welcoming Immigrants to Washington State Study
We will view and discuss the second state study initiated at the 2023 State League Convention. This group of League members from throughout the state did another amazing job of studying and reporting on Welcoming Immigrants to Washington State.
If you would like to preview this work and even review the consensus questions, please go to: This will allow the opportunity for another consensus process to submit to the state League if there is enough interest.
To read and download the study and consensus questions, click here.
Six of our Skagit members met on Saturday February 15th and came to consensus on the Elder Caregiving Study Questions. They were very positive about the experience.