Our usual monthly member meeting will be a forum for the candidates for County Commissioner at the Aqua Room at the PUD, 1415 Freeway Dr, Mount Vernon on October 7. Meet and Great at 5 PM, forum from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Candidates are Ron Wesen and Rylee Fleury for District 1 and Peter Browning and Richard Brocksmith for District 2.
This is an in person event, recorded for later listening
Sedro-Woolley Housing Forum #2
Sedro-Woolley is holding a second Housing Forum to hear from the community on how to address the housing crisis.
Thursday, September 19, 20246:00 PM
City of Sedro-WoolleyCommunity Center 703 Puget Street
The Ins and Outs Our Ballots and Elections
Elections Manager Gabrielle Clay answers questions on how our election system works from preparing the ballots through counting the votes.
Debate: The Two Party Political System
The Future of Local Journalism